lent groups 2019
The season of Lent is traditionally a chance for reflection and study about the Christian faith before we celebrate Easter. This year we are delighted to offer three House Groups that will spend five weeks looking at a book called “Unexpected Journeys” by Eddie Askew.
The book offers five meditations on familiar stories from the Bible (the story of Moses, the story of Ruth, the Storm on the Lake, the Woman at the Well and the Vision of Peter) and helps the reader explore various issues of faith.
The House Groups will meet each week and you are welcome to join whichever group suits your needs. There will be sign-up sheets in each of our churches or you can contact the Group Leader directly to book.
Bretforton Group: meeting at Squires Court, Bretforton. Starts on Tuesday 12th March and runs from 3:00 - 4:00pm. Led by Margaret Pye 01386 833 537 or pye.margaret@sky.com
Middle Littleton Group: meeting at Tytheway, Middle Littleton. Starts on Wednesday 13th March and runs from 10:15 - 12:00am. Led by Joyce Bache 01386 839 464 or joyce.bache@btinternet.com
Offenham Group: meeting at Orchard Grove, Offenham. Starts on Wednesday 13th March and runs from 7:30 - 9:00pm. Led by Rev’d Timothy Hupfield 01386 769 432 or timothyhupfield@cantab.net